
Thursday, 27 April 2017

Bye bye bob, hello headscarves

Tonight I braved the shave. This morning my hair started coming out in large clumps in the shower, and I just couldn't face a few weeks of gradual hair loss. So on my way into work I popped into boots, bought an electric razor, and asked Tanai to shave my head after work.

I decided to use this as a positive moment, to take back some control and channel Grace Jones. I popped her on spotify and we prepared to get rid of my lovely bob.

Channeling Grace

Last photo of the bob!

Tanai gets to work

All done!

All gone

No need for these any more

I thought I would feel upset but actually I didn't. I simply felt liberated, and glad that I got rid of the hair before it started to slowly fall out of its own accord. It was strange looking at myself in the mirror, with my newly naked head, but also quite lovely having nothing obscuring my face, and I feel light as I walk round the flat. A dear colleague, Hannah, sent me a lovely email this afternoon with some thoughts written by a woman who had shaved her head for Womankind International. They are all really positive and I felt as though I could really relate to some of them. Think of all the time I will save, not having to blowdry and style my hair every other day! And now my hair won't get in my face during yoga when I'm in downward dog. I'm perhaps a little bit sci-fi, like a fembot from the future. And hell, not only can I have Grace Jones and Sinead O'Connor as style icons, but also Mahatma Gandhi and Bruce Willis!

I tried on a few of the headscarves I've bought, to see if I can fashion the styles I'd seen on YouTube. I think it will take a little more practice, but at least I'm making a start. Over the coming weeks and months I'm sure I will get better at it, but here are some of my first attempts.

This beautiful scarf was handpainted by my friend Bree and arrived in the post the other day

Even thought I'm wearing my PJs I'm also wearing some gorgeous lipstick that just happened to arrive in the post today from my cousin, Catherine. Thanks! I love it. 

I think so far the pink turban is my favourite style. But let's see how I go. Now I'm slightly chilly, so probably also need to get a sleep cap or something. Luckily we are heading into summer.

So there it is. No more hair for at least the next few months. Let's hope my eyelashes and eyebrows (what little I have of them) take their sweet time to disappear.


  1. Also, hello, me! I've shaved my head so many times, I don't understand how people even deal with hair. It drives me crazy almost immediately. I think every woman I've seen that has done it looks fantastic.

  2. I can't believe I didn't make your list of Style Icons?!?
