
Saturday, 30 March 2019

Ding Dong: Round Two

So I have had some pretty shitty news. As you know, a few weeks ago I went into hospital for a preventative oophorectomy, to remove my ovaries and fallopian tubes in order to prevent me from getting ovarian cancer to which I am genetically pre-disposed. After removing them, they sent them off to the lab, and unfortunately ovarian cancer had already started to grow. So now I'm facing another few months of treatment to tackle this second cancer diagnosis, just as I was starting to feel strong again after beating breast cancer.

It will all start on Tuesday (yes, they're moving fast!) with some more surgery. This time it's a significantly more major procedure. They will open me up properly from navel to chest and remove a whole bunch of my insides: my uterus, cervix, all my lymph nodes and my omentum, which is part of the peritoneum, which is the layer of tissue which keeps all my organs in place (hopefully they won't move around too much after it's gone!). Also, while the surgeon is in there, he'll take a look around, and if he sees anything dodgy he'll take that too. The operation will take about 5 and a half hours, then I'll be in the HDU (High Dependency Unit) for a couple of days, and then on the ward for about a week before they'll let me go home. They'll send everything they remove to the lab again, and then we will know 100% what we're dealing with.

And then three weeks later I will have to start chemotherapy again. This time 6 rounds of chemo, every 3 weeks as before, which should take me up to September sometime. The drugs for ovarian cancer are different from the ones I had for breast cancer. I will be having carboplatin and paclitaxel. So the side effects may be slightly different, but the basics are the same (fatigue, hair loss, damage to nails and skin, compromised immune system etc).

Needless to say, I'm gutted, and Tanai and I have been quite upset these last few days. It just seems so frustrating that when I'm finally feeling strong and we are starting once more to talk about the future and get excited about things, that I get kicked down once again by cancer. But, in my usual approach to these things, I am determined to fight it and do my best to get through it once again. I'm seeing it as a bump in the road rather than a complete disaster. Plus, I'm going into it with my eyes open this time, having been through treatment once before. This will have its differences, but I know I can get through it. And I will actually use my learnings from last time to tackle it slightly differently this time.

I will try to exercise much more through chemo, if I can handle it with the fatigue. Last time I had chemo I put on 10 kilos (a stone and a half) and it's taken me a year and a half to almost get rid of it all! Now that I'm in medically-induced menopause and on Tamoxifen, combined with my residual cancer-related fatigue,  it's much harder to lose weight, so I'm going to try to avoid putting too much on during treatment. I will do little lunchtime walks to Primrose Hill and gentle exercises at home, once I'm healed from surgery. I will also ensure I eat a healthy, nutrient-rich diet. I do this anyway, but I will be conscious of it much more, and won't be as indulgent as I was last time during chemo. Also my hair has just started to get to a length where it's feeling like a hair style again! So I'm going to attempt to keep my hair. I will only wash it once a week and tie it up with headbands, and hope that it only thins, rather than comes out completely. This may be a pipe dream but I shall try! At least I have kept all my headscarves from last time if it does end up coming out.

The good news is that a CT scan I had on Tuesday shows that it's unlikely to have spread. I have a high grade cancer, which means it's fast growing and aggressive (as was my breast cancer) but it feels as though I've caught it early and I have every chance of beating it. I will have to postpone my preventative mastectomy, and hopefully that won't cause me similar problems, but I'm still planning on having that done as soon as possible.

As with last time, my employer is being very supportive and, once I'm recovered from surgery, I'm planning to work throughout treatment. However, I'm due to run out of paid sick leave soon, so one of my biggest worries about all of this is about finances. So I've decided to put myself out for small freelance jobs -- proofreading, copywriting, baking, strategic planning -- basically anything I can put my mind to in my spare time. Hopefully I can ensure we can make ends meet.

The other change this time is that I will be more willing to ask for help. Tanai and I shouldered the majority of the burden ourselves last time, and we are both still exhausted from that. Tanai especially as I couldn't do as much. So this time we will be putting the word out and asking for help. I'll put a post up in a couple of weeks with more specific requests for support and for paid work for me, but in the meantime any offers of healthy home-cooked food are very welcome. I have not had time to fill my freezer with batch-cooked meals and I want to eat as healthily as possible. Tanai is a great cook and I know he can cook for us both, but it's a nice way to ease the burden and help us out financially at the same time.

Anyway, that's enough info for now. First things first: I need to get through Tuesday's surgery and recover from that. Then once I'm home I'll do a bit more logistical planning and will post again with more info.

It sucks, but I'm feeling hopeful and as strong as I can be in the circumstances. And so very glad that I pushed and pushed to have the BRCA test after my oncologist said 'no' three times, and then once I had a positive result, to immediately get the ball rolling to have my ovaries removed. I have given myself the best possible fighting chance. Now our NHS have to do the rest.